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Moola Nakshatra Characteristics

30 Sep, 2024 by Modtick

Moola Nakshatra Characteristics

Male Characteristics: The male born under Moola Nakshatra values time and always strives for a peaceful environment. He prefers to do things by himself, which sometimes overwhelms him. He tends to worry about the future a lot, which makes it hard for him to relax. He's easily influenced by those around him, but deep inside, he’s very devoted to God and believes that hard work will be rewarded.

Profession: Managing money is a struggle for him, and he’s at risk of falling into debt. It's best for him to save as much as possible. Ironically, he gives good financial advice to others but can’t follow it himself. He usually earns through multiple sources and may change careers a few times. After age 25, he should avoid extravagant friends to keep his spending under control.

Compatibility: He deeply loves his family, though he often finds it hard to express it. He doesn’t rely much on his parents and becomes self-made. He is very supportive of his children and likes to plan for the future.

Health: He may face health issues related to the lungs, paralysis, or stomach problems. Special care is needed at ages 27, 31, 44, 48, 56, and 60.

Female Characteristics: The female born in Moola Nakshatra is pure-hearted and very devoted to her loved ones. However, people might take advantage of her kind nature. She can also be quite stubborn, which often helps her succeed, but it can cause problems if mixed with jealousy. She may experience multiple heartbreaks throughout her life.

Profession: She may struggle with education due to a lack of focus but does well in creative and social activities. If Jupiter is favorably placed, she can achieve academic success. She might also be successful in medical professions.

Compatibility: Her marriage may face challenges, especially if her husband is rebellious. She seeks attention from loved ones and can become upset if she doesn't get it. Favorable planetary influences can improve her married life. Pleasing Mars can help her have a better relationship, along with communicating openly with her husband and children.

Health: She may suffer from stomach problems, with particular caution needed at ages 27, 31, 38, 56, and 60.


Moola Nakshatra Padas:

  1. First Pada (Aries Navamsa, ruled by Mars): Be careful about materialistic desires; the focus is on worldly matters.
  2. Second Pada (Taurus Navamsa, ruled by Venus): Hardworking and dedicated to material growth.
  3. Third Pada (Gemini Navamsa, ruled by Mercury): Highly intellectual, balanced in nature.
  4. Fourth Pada (Cancer Navamsa, ruled by the Moon): Spiritual and caring, with a philosophical outlook.

Features of Moola Nakshatra:

  • Symbol: Bunch of roots tied together
  • Ruling Planet: Ketu
  • Gender: Female
  • Gana: Rakshasa (Neuter)
  • Guna: Sattva/Rajas/Rajas
  • Presiding Deity: Nirriti
  • Animal: Male Dog
  • Indian Zodiac: 0° – 13°20′ Sagittarius

Purvashadha Nakshatra Dates in 2022:

  • Jan 1, Jan 29
  • Feb 25
  • Mar 24
  • Apr 20
  • May 1, May 28
  • Jun 14
  • Jul 12
  • Aug 8
  • Sep 4
  • Oct 2, Oct 29
  • Nov 25
  • Dec 23