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Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

17 Sep, 2024 by Modtick

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Key Meanings

Upright: Clinging to possessions, insecurity, hoarding, being frugal, stability, material wealth, setting boundaries, being protective.

Reversed: Generosity, letting go, overspending, financial worries, and openness.

Card Description

In the Four of Pentacles card, a man sits outside his village, holding onto a coin tightly. He has another coin on his head and two more under his feet, showing he's very focused on his wealth. This tight grip on his money means he’s stuck in one place and unable to connect with others. His obsession with riches isolates him from friends and family.

This card can have both positive and negative meanings. On one hand, it shows that you’ve achieved financial success through hard work. On the other hand, it can indicate that you might be overly focused on material wealth, to the point where it makes you possessive or greedy. The Four of Pentacles suggests that while it's important to stay secure, you should also avoid letting money control your happiness.

The card may also point to issues with holding onto people, things, or grudges. It can suggest that you need to deal with old problems and set healthy boundaries.

Four of Pentacles (Upright)

General Meaning: The upright Four of Pentacles indicates that you’ve worked hard to achieve financial stability and are successfully managing your money. It suggests saving for future needs like retirement or a major purchase. However, it can also mean that you’re overly frugal or obsessed with saving, which might make you miss out on life’s pleasures.

Love and Relationships: In a relationship, this card might show possessiveness or control, which could hurt the relationship. If you’re single, it might mean you’re holding onto past hurts or fears that prevent you from moving forward.

Finances: The upright Four of Pentacles often signals financial stability and security. You might be saving for something significant or being careful with your money. It’s a good time to invest in something important.

Career: This card can indicate a steady job or business success. However, it might also suggest you’re being too protective of your work or worried about losing your position. Avoid letting fear or paranoia affect your career.

Health: The Four of Pentacles in health readings can suggest you’re holding onto past emotional baggage that affects your well-being. It might be a good time to release old grudges and work on your emotional health.

Four of Pentacles (Reversed)

General Meaning: When reversed, the Four of Pentacles suggests you’re letting go of material concerns and focusing more on what truly makes you happy. You might be decluttering your life or shifting your focus from money to relationships and experiences. However, it can also indicate you’re spending too much and not saving enough.

Love and Relationships: Reversed, this card is a positive sign in love. It suggests you’re ready to let go of past fears and open up to new relationships. If you’re in a troubled relationship, it may be time to move on and find happiness elsewhere.

Finances: The reversed Four of Pentacles can signal financial instability or reckless spending. You might be experiencing losses or making risky financial decisions. Alternatively, it could mean you’re learning the value of generosity and sharing.

Career: In career readings, the reversed card might suggest you’re being more cooperative and open with others. However, it can also indicate potential job loss or business troubles. Avoid taking unnecessary risks and focus on stable, reliable efforts.

Health: Reversed, the Four of Pentacles suggests you’re ready to let go of negative energy and improve your health. You might be working on overcoming past issues that affect your well-being and moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

One-Card Pull

Upright Position: Yes, it’s a positive answer to your question.

Reversed Position: No, it indicates a negative answer.


The Four of Pentacles may suggest an event could happen around the eleventh of the month. It indicates that something significant might soon come to light. Trust in the process and be ready for unexpected changes.