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Brihaspati Mantra: Meaning, Significance, and Benefits

16 Sep, 2024 by Modtick

Brihaspati Mantra: Meaning, Significance, and Benefits

Who is Brihaspati?

Brihaspati, also known as Jupiter or Dev-Guru, is the teacher of all the gods and the leader of the planets. He represents good fortune, luck, wealth, and spirituality. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is associated with wisdom, rituals, and prayers. He is calm, reserved, and always ready to help with any problem.

Why Worship Brihaspati?

Brihaspati is considered the most merciful planet. Worshiping him can bring prosperity and happiness to your life and family. He is known for his kind nature and ability to fulfill wishes. Brihaspati's birth story is quite interesting. He was born from a stillbirth, but his father, Rishi Anigras, brought him to life. Brihaspati is also said to have been born from the first light of the cosmos.

Family and Legacy

Brihaspati has two wives, Shubh and Tara, and many children, including seven daughters with Shubh and several sons and a daughter with Tara. He also had two sons, Kacha and Bharadwaj, with his brother’s wife. Bharadwaj was later adopted by King Dushyant.

Brihaspati Mantra: How It Helps

The Power of Brihaspati

Guru Jupiter, or Brihaspati, is the largest planet in our solar system and is known for his kindness and mercy. Worshiping him with devotion can bring good fortune. If you're facing challenges in business or personal life, chanting Brihaspati mantras can help bring calm and patience during tough times.

Benefits of Chanting

Regularly chanting the Brihaspati mantra invites the blessings of Jupiter himself. Each word of the mantra positively impacts your life, increasing your wisdom and intelligence. Brihaspati is linked with wisdom, prosperity, health, luck, positivity, peace, and happiness. His generous and merciful nature makes him more benevolent compared to other planets.

How to Chant the Brihaspati Mantra

Best Time to Chant

The best time to chant the Brihaspati mantra is during Brahma Muhurta, which is early in the morning around 4 to 5 am. This is also a great time for any rituals or pujas to honor Brihaspati.

Chanting Tips

Use a Tulsi mala (prayer beads) to keep track of your chants. It's recommended to chant the mantra 19,000 times. You can also use beads made of sandalwood or rudraksha to help you stay focused.

Color and Day

Wear yellow, as it represents Brihaspati, when performing pujas or rituals. Thursdays are dedicated to Jupiter, so donating items like jaggery, laddu, gram, salt, turmeric, yellow clothes, or books on this day can bring good luck and blessings.

Important Brihaspati Mantras

1. Dev-Guru Brihaspati Mantra

In Vedic astrology, Brihaspati, also known as Jupiter, is one of the nine planets (Navagrahas) and is considered the most kind and merciful. Jupiter rules over the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces and is linked to Mars, the Sun, and the Moon. He is seen as the teacher of all planets and gods, bringing knowledge, wisdom, patience, peace, and happiness. If Jupiter is favorable to someone, that person is likely to achieve great fame and success.

The Dev-Guru Brihaspati Mantra is: देवनम् च ऋषिंं गुरुं कंचना-सन्निभं बुद्धि-भूतम् त्रिलोकेशं तम नमामि बृहस्पतिम || Devanam cha rishinam gurun kanchana-sannibham buddhi-bhutam tri-lokesham tam namami brihaspatim

Meaning: I bow to Brihaspati, the lord of Jupiter, who is the teacher of all gods and sages. He has a golden appearance and is the master of intelligence who oversees all three worlds.

Benefits of Chanting the Dev-Guru Brihaspati Mantra:

  • Business Ventures: Chanting this mantra is helpful for those starting a new business.
  • Wisdom and Prosperity: It can enhance your knowledge and wisdom, leading to greater fortune.
  • Good Luck: Starting a new project with this mantra can bring good luck.
  • Blessings: Chanting the mantra can attract blessings from Lord Brihaspati.

Best Time to Chant: Early morning, between 4-6 am, especially on Thursdays.

Number of Times to Chant: 19,000 times.

Who Can Recite: Anyone can recite this mantra.

Direction: Chant facing North or East, and use a Jupiter Yantra.

2. Brihaspati Beej Mantra

Jupiter, or Brihaspati, is known for his vast and expansive nature, fitting his name as the ‘spirit of the vast.’ He is the teacher of all the gods and is responsible for upholding laws and resolving disputes among them. Brihaspati is also seen as a family man who brings good fortune and happiness to those who seek his blessings for their family.

The Brihaspati Beej Mantra is: ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे: नमः || ॐ ब्रं बृहस्पति नमः || Om Gram Grim Grom Sah Gurve Namah Om Bram Brihaspataye Namah

Meaning: The Brihaspati Beej Mantra uses seed sounds that represent the power of Jupiter. Regular chanting of these sounds helps gain the benefits of Jupiter’s blessings.

Benefits of Chanting the Brihaspati Beej Mantra:

  • Spiritual Growth: Chanting this mantra brings spiritual knowledge and helps make a positive impact in the world.
  • Problem Solving: If Jupiter is unfavorable in one’s horoscope, chanting this mantra can help resolve issues smoothly.
  • Happiness and Success: It brings happiness and peace to the home, reduces obstacles in marriage, and helps achieve success in work.

Best Time to Chant: Early morning, between 4-6 am, especially on Thursdays.

Number of Times to Chant: 19,000 times.

Who Can Recite: Anyone can recite this mantra.

Direction: No specific direction is required.

3. Brihaspati Gayatri Mantra

According to the Siddhi Dharma, Brihaspati is the master of knowledge and wisdom. He authored many important Hindu texts, including the Nitishastra, Dharmashastra, Vastushastra, and Brihaspati Smriti. Brihaspati is linked with two main schools of thought:

  • Nastika School: This modern scientific view believes that only physical matter exists, denying the presence of the soul. Brihaspati created twelve forms to promote this belief.
  • Astika School: This view acknowledges the existence of the soul and other unseen realities. It emphasizes that understanding these requires significant spiritual effort.

The Brihaspati Gayatri Mantra is: ॐ वृषभध्वजाय विद्महे करुनीहस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो गुरु: प्रचोदयात || ॐ अन्गिर्साय विद्महे दिव्यदेहाय धीमहि तन्नो जीव: प्रचोदयात् ||

Om Vrishabhadhwajay Vidmahe Karunihastay Dheemahi Tanno Guru Prachodayat.

Meaning: I pray to the great teacher of the gods, seeking his guidance to enlighten my mind and lead me to self-fulfillment.

Benefits of Chanting the Brihaspati Gayatri Mantra:

  • Blessings: Regular chanting ensures that Brihaspati's blessings remain with you.
  • Calmness: It helps you become more calm and thoughtful, improving your awareness and decision-making.
  • Reduced Negative Effects: It can lessen the negative impact of other planets in your horoscope.
  • Success and Happiness: Chanting this mantra regularly leads to a life of success and happiness, free from fear and stress.

Best Time to Chant: Morning and evening, especially on Thursdays.

Number of Times to Chant: 108 times.

Who Can Recite: Anyone can recite this mantra.

Direction: No specific direction is required.

Overall Benefits of Chanting Brihaspati Mantra

Chanting Brihaspati mantras regularly brings several benefits:

  • Blessings and Prosperity: You can expect to receive constant blessings from Brihaspati, leading to a prosperous life.
  • Family Harmony: Those seeking blessings for their family will find greater happiness and fewer disputes. Brihaspati, known for his family values, helps create a peaceful family environment.
  • Good Fortune: Brihaspati is considered the most kind and merciful planet. Chanting his mantras can bring good fortune and help cancel out bad luck.
  • Reduction of Negative Effects: If you’re facing problems due to unfavorable planetary influences, chanting Brihaspati mantras can help lessen these negative effects.
  • Fearlessness: Regular chanting can lead to a life free from fear and doubt.
  • Knowledge and Wisdom: As the guru of all gods, Brihaspati provides great knowledge and wisdom to those who chant his mantras, aiding them in their personal and professional pursuits.