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Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

16 Sep, 2024 by Modtick

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

Characteristics of Males:

  • Career: Males born under Purva Phalguni Nakshatra often have successful careers but might face some mental challenges. They value their independence and can be upset if their freedom is restricted. They are soft-spoken, intuitive, and enjoy traveling.
  • Profession: They prefer working independently rather than under others. Jobs with superiors might not suit them well. They can face difficulties and enemies due to their nature, even if they are honest and hardworking. They might switch jobs frequently until around age 45, after which they find more satisfaction. They should be cautious about lending money to avoid financial issues.
  • Compatibility: In marriage, they are likely to have a loving family with a supportive spouse. They might live away from their birthplace, but they can still have a happy marriage.
  • Health: Generally healthy, but may face minor issues like dental problems, stomach issues, or rare cases of diabetes.

Characteristics of Females:

  • Traits: Females born under this nakshatra are skilled, polite, and honest. They excel in arts and are dedicated to helping others and doing charitable work. They might sometimes boast about their success, which can affect their social standing.
  • Profession: They are intelligent and often pursue careers in science or teaching. Their curiosity drives them to excel in their field, leading to financial success.
  • Compatibility: They value family highly and are devoted to their loved ones. They will return kindness and maintain a caring family environment.
  • Health: Generally healthy with few serious issues. They may experience minor problems like menstrual issues or asthma but nothing severe.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Dates for 2022:

  • January 21, February 17
  • March 17, April 13
  • May 10, June 7
  • July 4 & 31, August 27
  • September 24, October 21
  • November 17, December 15

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Padas:

  • 1st Pada: Influenced by the Sun (Leo navamsa). People here are intelligent and focus on self-improvement.
  • 2nd Pada: Influenced by Mercury (Virgo navamsa). These individuals are hardworking and successful.
  • 3rd Pada: Influenced by Venus (Libra navamsa). They are creative and have a calm personality.
  • 4th Pada: Influenced by Mars (Scorpio navamsa). They focus on emotional values, family, introspection, and bravery.

Features of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra:

  • Symbol: Hammock, front legs of a bed
  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Gender: Female
  • Gana: Manusha
  • Guna: Tamas/Rajas/Tamas
  • Presiding Deity: Bhaga
  • Animal: Female rat