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Hanuman Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Chant

16 Sep, 2024 by ModTick

Hanuman Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Chant

Lord Hanuman, also known as Sankat Mochan Hanuman, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. He is celebrated for his unwavering devotion to Lord Ram, his bravery, and his kind nature. As the leader of Lord Ram's army, Hanuman holds a special place in Hindu epics and is believed to bring strength and courage to those who worship him.

Chanting the Hanuman Mantra is a popular way to honor Lord Hanuman. This practice is believed to calm the mind, remove fears, and eliminate negative energies from one's life and surroundings.

Hanuman has many names, including Anjaneya, Anjani Putra, Bajarangbali, Mahaveer, Maruti, and Pavanputra. He is often referred to as the monkey god because he is the son of Vayu, the wind god, and Anjani. Hanuman is famous not only for his role in the battle against Ravana and burning down Lanka but also for rescuing Lord Shani from Ravana's wrath.

By chanting the Hanuman Mantra, devotees seek his blessings for overcoming challenges and enhancing their inner strength.

The Story of Lord Shani and Hanuman

According to the story, Ravana once trapped Lord Shani in a cage covered with a black cloth. This cloth was used because it's believed that looking directly at Shani brings bad luck. When Lord Hanuman came to Lanka to see Sita, he heard Shani crying from inside the cage. Despite the risk, Hanuman decided to rescue Shani.

As Hanuman opened the cage, Shani’s gaze fell upon him. Even though Shani was grateful for the rescue, he was bound by his nature to bring some hardships (known as Sade Sati or Shani Dosha) to Hanuman for looking at him directly.

Hanuman, being understanding, allowed Shani to stay on his head. However, since Hanuman was always fighting battles and often using his head to crush enemies or carry heavy boulders, the constant pressure was painful for Shani. Eventually, Shani decided to leave Hanuman’s head, ending the period of Sade Sati. In gratitude, Shani blessed Hanuman and his devotees, saying they would be protected from the effects of Sade Sati.

Because of this story, people worship Hanuman to avoid the negative effects of Shani. One popular way to do this is by chanting Hanuman Mantras.

How Hanuman Mantras Help

Regardless of your beliefs, many people think that regularly reciting the Hanuman Mantra can protect you from negative energies and evil spirits. Chanting these mantras is believed to fill you with energy and strength. Additionally, as Hanuman is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva, reciting Hanuman Mantras can also please Lord Shiva. Overall, there are many Hanuman Mantras, each offering various benefits to those who practice them.

Important Hanuman Mantras

1. Hanuman Beej Mantra

Mantras are special chants or sounds used in meditation and prayer to connect with the divine. The Beej Mantra is a powerful type of mantra, usually consisting of a single word or sound that represents a deity. For example, "OM" is a Beej Mantra.

The Hanuman Beej Mantra is a way to seek Lord Hanuman's blessings and can help with many problems. If you chant it with faith and focus, it is believed to bring powerful results.

The Hanuman Beej Mantra is:

|| ॐ ऐं भ्रीम हनुमते, श्री राम दूताय नम: ||

Aum Aeem Bhreem Hanumate
Shree Ram Dootaaya Namaha

Meaning: I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is the greatest servant and messenger of Lord Sri Rama.

Benefits of Chanting the Hanuman Beej Mantra:

  • Pleases Lord Hanuman: Chanting this mantra is a strong way to gain Hanuman's favor.
  • Boosts Focus and Energy: It helps improve concentration and fills you with positive energy.
  • Fights Negative Effects: It can help counteract the harmful effects of Shani Sade Sati.
  • Enhances Strength: The mantra is believed to increase physical strength and stamina.
  • Protects Against Illness: It can help protect you from ghosts, spirits, and health issues like fever and epilepsy.
  • Gives Courage and Confidence: Reciting the mantra can bless you with bravery and self-assurance.
  • Promotes Vitality: Helps you lead a more energetic life.

Best Time to Recite: During sunrise

Number of Times to Chant: 108

Who Can Recite: Anyone

Direction to Face While Chanting: East

Hanuman Gayatri Mantra

Lord Hanuman is one of the seven Chiranjivis, or immortal beings, who are believed to walk the earth until the end of the Kaliyug. Worshiping him with the Hanuman Gayatri Mantra is a way to seek his blessings and guidance. Hanuman is known for his kindness and is considered a deity who grants boons.

The Hanuman Gayatri Mantra is:

|| ॐ आञ्जनेयाय विद्महे वायुपुत्राय धीमहि।
तन्नो हनुमत् प्रचोदयात् ||

Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Vayuputraya Dhimahi
Tanno Hanumat Prachodayat

Meaning: We pray to the son of Goddess Anjani and the Wind God. May Lord Hanuman guide our minds and grant us wisdom.

Benefits of Chanting the Hanuman Gayatri Mantra:

  • Helps Conceive: Useful for married couples who are trying to conceive a child.
  • Counters Shani Sade Sati: Helps alleviate the negative effects of Shani Sade Sati.
  • Develops Strength and Qualities: Encourages qualities like strength, stamina, loyalty, and devotion, similar to Lord Hanuman.
  • Protects During Travel: Chanting this mantra before starting a journey can protect you from accidents and misfortunes.

Best Time to Recite: Tuesday and Saturday during sunrise

Number of Times to Chant: 108

Who Can Recite: Anyone

Direction to Face While Chanting: East, while sitting in front of an idol or image of Hanuman

Manojavam Maarutatulyavegam Mantra

Lord Hanuman is known for his wisdom, creativity, and control over his senses. In today's competitive world, having these qualities can be very beneficial. Chanting the Manojavam Maarutatulyavegam Mantra helps you gain these qualities from Lord Hanuman.

The Manojavam Maarutatulyavegam Mantra is:

|| मनोजवम् मारुततुल्यवेगम् जितेन्द्रियम् बुद्धिमताम् वरिष्ठम्।
वातात्मजम् वानरयूथमुख्यम् श्रीरामदूतम् शरणं प्रपद्ये ||

Manojavam Marutatulyavegam Jitendriyam Buddhimatam Varishtham
Vatatmajam Vanarayuthamukhyam Shriramadutam Sharanam Prapadye

Meaning: We pray to the one who is as swift as thought, more powerful than the wind, who has conquered his senses, who is the most intelligent, the son of the wind god, the leader of the monkey army, and the messenger of Lord Ram. We seek refuge in Lord Hanuman and ask for his blessings.

Benefits of Chanting the Manojavam Maarutatulyavegam Mantra:

  • Gains Wisdom: Helps you gain wisdom and clarity of thought.
  • Promotes Selflessness: Encourages mature thinking and reduces selfish behavior.
  • Balances Mind and Heart: Helps in making better decisions by balancing emotions and intellect.
  • Encourages Thoughtfulness: Reminds you to think carefully before speaking.

Best Time to Recite: Thursday, during sunrise

Number of Times to Chant: 1008 times within a period of 40 days

Who Can Recite: Anyone

Direction to Face While Chanting: East, while sitting in front of an idol or image of Hanuman

Karya Siddhi Hanuman Mantra

The Karya Siddhi Hanuman Mantra helps with achieving success in tasks that are important to you. "Karya" means effort, and "Siddhi" means success or fulfillment. If you’re facing obstacles or delays in your work or life, especially in situations beyond your control (like legal matters), this mantra can help.

The Karya Siddhi Hanuman Mantra is:

|| त्वमस्मिन कार्य निर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तमा
हनुमान यात्नमास्ताया दु:ख क्षय करोभाव ||

Tvamasmin Kārya Niryoge Pramānam Hari Sattama
Hanuman Yatna Māsthāya Dukha Kshaya Karo Bhava

Meaning: O Hanuman, the greatest among monkeys! You are capable of completing this task. Please help me overcome my difficulties and remove my misfortunes.

Benefits of Chanting the Karya Siddhi Hanuman Mantra:

  • Brings Happiness: Regular chanting can bring happiness and contentment to your life.
  • Overcomes Delays: Helps you deal with delays and challenges more smoothly.
  • Divine Support: Provides you with divine support and blessings from Lord Hanuman.
  • Positive Intent: Ensure that your wishes are positive and do not wish harm upon anyone, even your enemies.

Best Time to Recite: Saturday, during sunrise

Number of Times to Chant: 1100 times over 40 days

Who Can Recite: Anyone

Direction to Face While Chanting: East, while sitting in front of an idol or image of Hanuman

Overall Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Mantras

Chanting Hanuman mantras offers many benefits, as believed by astrologers. Here’s how they can help:

  • Boosts Strength and Courage: Hanuman mantras attract both mental and physical strength, helping you tackle challenges.
  • Increases Resilience: Regular chanting can make you more resilient and better able to handle difficulties.
  • Supports Health: They can help with health issues, especially related to stress and depression. There have been cases where people recovered from severe conditions like comas due to regular chanting.
  • Protects Against Negative Influences: Chanting helps ward off bad spirits and negative energy.
  • Enhances Performance: Many athletes recite Hanuman mantras before competitions to gain stamina, courage, and power.
  • Improves Decision-Making: Hanuman mantras aid in making better decisions and enhancing mental strength.
  • Brings Success: Sincere chanting can lead to success and resolve problems such as debt or failed relationships.
  • Overcomes Fear: The mantras give you the courage to face fears and handle unpredictable situations bravely.
  • Acts as a Protective Shield: They protect you from harm and negative actions by others.
  • Improves Focus and Clarity: Helps you stay focused and devoted in your endeavors.
  • Purifies Mind and Body: Cleanses you from negative influences and bad energies.
  • Safeguards from Evil Eye: Chanting can protect you from negative or evil energy, similar to wearing protective amulets.
  • Increases Work Efficiency: Regular chanting can enhance your work efficiency and creativity.

How to Chant the Hanuman Mantra

To get the most out of chanting Hanuman mantras, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose the Right Day: Saturday is the best day for chanting, but some mantras can be recited on other days as well.
  2. Prepare Yourself: Wake up early, take a bath, and ensure you are clean and fresh.
  3. Set Up Your Space: Sit facing East with a Hanuman idol or image in front of you.
  4. Create a Sacred Atmosphere: Use fresh flowers and incense to enhance your chanting experience. You may also keep a pot of water and some Kumkum nearby.
  5. Clear Your Mind: Focus your mind and concentrate on the mantra you are reciting.
  6. Offer Prasad: Offer coconut, jaggery-gram prasad, or imarti as part of your worship.

Following these guidelines will help you effectively chant Hanuman mantras and enjoy their numerous benefits.